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UltiBlox DisplayValueOLED Library

Easily display labels and values on an OLED screen with custom fonts and formatting.

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The DisplayValueOLED library simplifies displaying text and values on OLED screens, making it ideal for embedded projects needing dynamic information display. It provides options for setting fonts, centering text, and adding suffixes (e.g., units) to values.


  • Display custom labels and values with optional suffixes.
  • Set separate fonts for labels and values.
  • Automatically center text on the display.
  • Clear lines to update display content without residual artifacts.


The DisplayValueOLED library is compatible with DisplayValueLCD for LCD displays. Both libraries share the same function signatures, allowing you to switch between OLED and LCD displays by simply changing the library declaration in your code.


Option 1: Arduino Library Manager Installation (Recommended)

  1. Open the Arduino IDE.
  2. Go to Tools > Manage Libraries.
  3. Search for UltiBlox-DisplayValueOLED and click Install.
  4. Access example sketches under File > Examples > UltiBlox-DisplayValueOLED.

Option 2: Manual Installation (for Development and Customization)

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone ~/workspace/DisplayValueOLED cd ~/workspace/DisplayValueOLED
  2. Prepare the Environment:
    Run the script to set up dependencies:

  3. Install the Library:

    • Copy Installation:

    • Symlink Installation (for active development):

  4. Build Examples:
    Compile example sketches with:



  • U8x8lib: Required for OLED display communication.
  • Arduino Core Library

Usage Example

Refer to the HelloWorld.ino file for a complete usage example demonstrating basic display setup and usage.


Initialize the Display


Initializes the OLED display and clears any previous content.

Clear the Display


Clears the entire display content.

Set the Label Text

setLabel(const char* value)

Sets and centers a label text at the top of the display.

Set the Value

setValue(int value)

Displays the specified integer value on the display, centered and using the value font.

Set a Suffix for the Value

setSuffix(const char* value)

Sets a suffix, such as a unit symbol, to be displayed next to the value.

Set Fonts for Labels and Values

setLabelFont(const uint8_t* font) setValueFont(const uint8_t* font)

Sets custom fonts for the label and value. The library includes default fonts, but these can be customized for distinct visual styles.

Examples Directory

  • HelloWorld.ino: Displays a label and a sensor value, demonstrating basic setup for the display.


This project is licensed under the UltiBlox License.